The Raleigh North Carolina Stake has a long Christmas tradition of doing a creche activity each December: displaying nativity sets, and inviting one and all to gather to enjoy the display and hear Christmas music performed by elementary and high school singing and instrumental groups, and community choirs. The nativities were displayed on long tables in the darkened cultural hall, sitting on stands of various heights that were covered with black silky fabric. The nativities were lit by lamps and small spotlights. The display was beautifully done.
Russia |
Alaska |
I was intrigued by the wide variety of styles on display. I loved the Russian stacking dolls set, and the Eskimo set complete with a worshiping seal.

There were sets made out of sticks, straw, wood, metal, crystal, and two-dimensional painted sets as well.
Brazil |

Label cards identified sets from many different countries. Even the Peanuts cartoon characters were featured in one of the sets.
These are marionettes |

If I had to guess how many nativities were on display I would say there were upwards of 75, each distinct, each beautiful in its own way.
How amazing, that so many diverse people would use their artistic talent to depict the scene that changed the world. The coming of Jehovah to the earth in the form of a newborn baby, to "walk upon his footstool, and be like man, almost." It is beyond my comprehension how our Father could love each of us so much that He would allow His precious first-born son to suffer as much as he did during his life on this earth. And the love that Christ has for all of us, to be willing to go through that suffering, to bring to us the gift of repentance and eternal life.
It's difficult to stay focused on spiritual things during the Christmas season when so many other things compete for our time and attention, but in periods of reflection the love of God distills on my soul. How blessed I am to have been born into the only true Church on the earth, and to have had loving parents who taught me the truths of the gospel from my earliest years. I am truly among the most blessed people on the face of the earth, and I thank my Father for these great blessings. I am so glad that my children and grandchildren also share in the blessings of light and truth that the gospel brings to our lives.
There are hints of the truth to be found in many religions and cultural traditions. Consider this one that was related by some missionaries who have been working with several refugees from Burma who speak the Karen dialect:
"We met with this man (Sanwin) who we think is a sort of pastor for the Karen people in the area. We felt strongly that he needed to hear about the Book of Mormon, considering this Karen legend: There are two books God promised to send to the Karen people, one is silver and the other gold. Both books would be given to their people to teach them more about God. They believe the silver book has been given to them, in the form of the Bible, but are still waiting for the gold book, Li Too, that God promised to give to them. We know that to be the Book of Mormon."
As the New and Old Testaments are testimonies of Christ, so also is the Book of Mormon another testament of Christ. I look forward to the day when the divinity of Christ will be revealed in indisputable ways to the entire world.