In our MTC group of 50+ senior missionaries which began training on April 3, 2017, there were 11 single sisters. Having just heard Sister Burton's talk, we called ourselves the "Certain Sisters." My MTC companion, Sister Mathews, prepared a classroom label that we used for our afternoon classes when we Certain Sisters were together.
The majority of our group were headed for Salt Lake City to fill various assignments in family history, the visitor's center, etc. Sister Mathews is now in Brisbane, Australia, also working as the mission office secretary there. Others from our group have gone to California and Equador. And here I am in North Carolina. Which proves there are Certain Sisters all over the world.
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11 Single Certain Sisters |
This week was Transfers. Which means that on Monday, 7 new missionaries arrived; on Tuesday, 50+ missionaries were transferred; and on Wednesday, 10 missionaries returned home. The seniors in the office are very involved in the whole process, greeting and saying goodbye, preparing documents and gathering information, preparing meals, transporting, etc. It's crazy chaotic fun.
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Parking Lot on Transfer Day |
Monday night the new missionaries were all at the mission home for dinner, interviews with President James, testimony meeting, and sleeping (when they weren't in the basement playing pingpong). On Tuesday, in addition to transferred missionaries meeting their new companions, the new missionaries got some preliminary instructions from the office staff, met their trainers, and learned where they would be living for the next six weeks at least. Then on Tuesday night the missionaries who were returning went to the mission home, got their itineraries and boarding passes, had dinner, had a wonderful, spirit-filled testimony meeting, and slept (again, allowing for considerable pingpong time). The first flight out on Wednesday morning left at 7:20, so the whole group (with Pres. and Sister James and those who were driving the van and luggage trailer) had to leave the mission home around 5 a.m. Most of the missionaries were returning to places like California, Arizona, and Utah. Sister Huang was going back to Taiwan. She may still be on an airplane as I type this.
And today was Mother's Day, one of the only times when missionaries can call home. Yesterday and today, Elder Lehrschall, a service missionary here in the office who maintains the mission's Facebook page, and I were kept busy fielding calls from frantic parents who didn't know when their missionaries were going to call, or from missionaries hoping to enlist our help in contacting their families. Knowing how much this call means to the families, we were happy to help make those connections.
As a Senior missionary, I am grateful that I am not limited to just two phone calls a year with my family back home. I've already had several Facebook Messenger video chats from children and grandchildren, and it's such a joy to see their faces and hear their voices. I am so blessed to have a wonderful family. I'm Certain that the gospel that enriches our lives will bond us together for eternity, and that gives me a peaceful assurance that our lives have significance in the Lord's plan.
Many thanks to all who have sent me cards and messages of love and support. I miss you all, but know that the work I'm doing is important if it allows these great young missionaries to focus more fully on finding and teaching those who are sincerely searching for the truth.
What blessings you are receiving! I'm grateful to be one of your friends. You are a special sister to me. Give Pres. and Jan hugs from us.